产品信息 型号: ATSTK600 品牌: Atmel 描述: DEV KIT FOR AVR/AVR32 技术参数 其它有关文件: STK600 Socket Pkg Selection Guide 产品培训模块: ATmega128RFA1 Wireless MCU MCU Product Line Introduction 标准包装: 1 类别: 编程器,开发系统 家庭: 通用嵌入式开发板和套件(MCU、DSP、FPGA、CPLD等) 系列: AVR? 类型: MCU 适用于相关产品: Atmel AVR 设备 所含物品: - 配用: ATSTK600-ATTINY10-ND - STK600-ATTINY10 SOCKET PACKAGE Select your routing card and socket card by using the Store Search and select device The STK600 is a complete starter kit and development system for the AVR flash microcontrollers from ATMEL? Corporation. It is designed to give designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR, combined with advanced features for using the starter kit to prototype and test new designs. ?AVR Studio 4/AVR32 Studio compatible ?USB Interface to PC for programming and control ?Powered from USB bus or from an external 10-15V DC power supply ?Adjustable target VCC (0-5.5V) ?Two adjustable reference voltages with high accuracy. (0-5.0V, 10mV res) ?Clock oscillator, adjustable on the fly from AVRStudio (0-50MHz, 0.1% res) ?Serial In-System Programming (ISP) of tinyAVR and megaAVR devices ?PDI Programming of XMEGA devices ?JTAG programming of 8-bit megaAVR, 8/16-bit AVR XMEGA and 32-bit AVR UC3 devices ?aWire Programming of 32-bit AVR UC3 devices ?ISP and JTAG programming of AVR devices in external target systems ?Flexible routing and socket card system for easy mounting of all supported devices ?8 push-buttons for general use ?8 LEDs for general use ?All AVR I/O ports easily accessible through pin header connectors ?Expansion connectors for plug-in modules and prototyping area ?On-board 2Mbit Dataflash for non-volatile data ?USB mini-AB (On-The-Go) connector for AVR devices with USB ?PHY and DSUB-9 connetor for RS232 interface ?PHY and DSUB-9 connector for CAN bus ?PHY and header for LIN bus ?Device board with an ATmega2560 AVR microcontroller is included. *************************************************** 联 系 人 ;雷 俊 (先 生) 深圳博瑞图电子科技有限公司 TEL:0755-36675904 MOB: FAX:0755-83244576 ADD:深圳市福田区中航路世纪汇都会轩1416室 EMAIL: 401512450@ 网 址: *************************************************** 承接销售元器件IC一条龙、专注10年